
Yet another abducted teenager

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The gig opens on Amy, a bright and glad legitimate-yr-aged high college college girl, as she goes home from college one afternoon. The camera stays on her while she ambles - dressed in her college uniform, listening to ear-buds, and carrying a book bag guiltlessly over her shoulder. When she passes a homeless fellow, she pauses and reaches into her bag, handing him her lunch leftovers. The boy thanks her and she tellshim to keep his chin up before putting her buds back in and ambling on. You can tell the damsel is a highly superb Samaritan. As Amy resumes, she catches sight of a van pulled up along the side of the road. A girl is arching up against it. When she watches the dame treatment, she pulls out her smartphone and commences to mutter to herself ... frustrated. Amy stops and regards the girl, who is immaculately clad and highly stunning. 'Are you ok?' she asks. The gal stops and, breathing, tells the female that she's lost and can't get her GPS to work. She and her hubby are late for an engagement and despairingly need commands. Amy peers into the truck and catches sight of the nymph's spouse in the front seat. He is clad in a suit and politely wags at her. She looks back at the girl and asks where they are going, maybe she can help point them in the right direction. The doll tells her that they are attending a function at the convention center -- but she lost the invite with the address and their signal dropped. Because they are out of towners, they simply don't know where to go. Amy commences to give them directives but as she explains where to go, the nymph breathes again and mutters that her mind is like a sieve. She's not possibly going to reminisce. Amy stops and attempts to think of another way to explain, as the nymph subtly sights back at her hubby. 'What if you were to get in the van and take us there?' The gal asks. 'My hubby and I would be blessed to pay you for your troubles and it would truly help us out.' Amy, knowing that she isn't supposed to do this, sights in at the hubby again. He looks flawlessly standard. 'I would very likely need to ask my parents.' She leisurely says. She looks back up at the damsel, who quietly asks how aged she is. When Amy replies that she is barely legal, the lady smirks and mocks. 'If you're barely legal then why would you need to ask your parents? You're a grown up!' Amy mocks along meekly. The chick asks her name and Amy tells her. 'Well Amy,' the chick reiterates. 'It would truly help us out if you would just get in the van.' Amy takes a lengthy pause before agreeing. The doll opens the back seat and Amy climbs in. Then, surveying the sphere and crushing mud over the footprints, the gal ambles back to the passenger side and gets inwards. The van screeches off. (2 Days Afterwards.) The camera comes into concentrate as Amy leisurely hoists her head from her lap. She is curled up in a ball in an empty apartment. Her bag is gone, her ear-buds are gone, and her college gal uniform is dusty and grubby. Her hair is dishevelled and her face is streaked with sweat. She has a horrific headache. A bucket sits close by, alongside a toothbrush in a glass of water, and some remnants of food. She smears her eyes and commences to pick at the food when a door opens. It's the duo. No longer in formal wear, they step in the direction of her in casual clothes and spandex mittens. 'You've eaten all your food this time,' says the spouse. 'What a excellent lil' pet.' The teenage looks up at him in cold muffle. She asks when she can have her call with her parents, the one they promised. The nymph grins. 'I told you already Amy, you can have your smartphone call when you make me jizz.' The duo laugh as Amy slumps back down. (4 Days Afterward.) Amy runs around the empty apartment, screwing on the walls. She undoes the last of her half-shirt and throws it in the corner. The bedroom is highly red-hot. Sitting down overpowered, she calls out to the duo that she is well-prepped for them now. She'll do whatever they want. She just needs some air. She waits despairingly for a reply but it never comes and she collapses into a heap on the floor.
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